Tewksbury Lions Club
Thank you to the Tewksbury Lions Club for their 5th Annual Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser which was held on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at the Tewksbury Country Club to benefit the Tewksbury Community Pantry. The sold out event was a huge success!!!
Tewksbury Dental Associates
Thank You to Tewksbury Dental Associates for running their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. The Tewksbury Food Pantry is very grateful to Tewksbury Dental Associates for their kindness and hard work running this food drive during this season of giving!
20th Annual Golf Tournament
Our 20th golf tournament was a “Hole In One” with outstanding weather and a great time had by all who participated. Thank you to all the volunteers for making baskets, getting raffle items and working the day of the tournament. Thank you to our sponsors, those who donated items for the raffles and the golfers! It takes a village to run this event, and without everyone’s help it would not be as successful as it has been.
A special thanks goes out to Todd Johnson who is the “driving force” year after year. Todd has worked diligently for 20 years to make this golf tournament a fun day for all and a success! Thank you also to the Tewksbury Country Club for another delicious luncheon and a wonderful place to golf! Mark your calendars, next year’s golf tournament will take place on Friday, August 7, 2020!
A thank you to Market Basket for this great Cake!!
Tewksbury Post Office Letter Carriers
The Tewksbury Post Office Letter Carriers in conjunction with the Tewksbury Community Pantry held their Annual Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 11, 2019. This was another successful drive thank you to all those who donated food items, the letter carriers who picked up food and brought it to the pantry and the volunteers who spent the day receiving food, sorting and stocking shelves.
Tewksbury Post Office Letter Carriers
The Tewksbury Community Pantry annual meeting was held on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:00 pm. We are pleased to nominate and welcome two long time board members as our new President and Vice President. In addition, there were 2 outgoing directors and 2 new directors were nominated and approved.
We extend a warm thank you to the outgoing president for heading the board and keeping us on track. We are grateful that you will remain a board member. A warm thank you also to the two outgoing directors for their dedication and service to the pantry as board members and welcome them to continue as volunteers.
Board of Directors