A Community of Support

The heart of the Tewksbury Community Pantry’s mission lies in our commitment to assist residents of Tewksbury facing hardships. We extend beyond mere food distribution, offering guidance towards additional resources, ensuring our clients have access to comprehensive support. Through our website, informational materials at the pantry, and our monthly “Bread & Butter” newsletter, we strive to keep our community informed and empowered.

Goals and Advocacy

Our primary goal is to serve as a steadfast resource for those in need, providing not only food but also fellowship and advocacy for the disadvantaged. We aim to be more than a pantry; we are a place of support and community for all who walk through our doors.

Environment and Assistance

Achievements of the Tewksbury Community Pantry include maintaining a safe, clean, and welcoming environment where clients can receive food, learn about food preparation, and find support among our volunteers. Confidentiality and respect are the foundation of our assistance, ensuring every individual is treated with dignity.

Get In Touch

“I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

For more information or to get involved, please email us at info@tewksburypantry.org or call (978) 858-2273. We look forward to hearing from you.